The Lookout Line is an adaptive reuse project of the Fisherman’s Lodge located in Jesmond Dene Park. Influenced by the relationship between natural and human made shapes and forms, this visitor centre takes inspiration from its urban grid-like context, which is superimposed into the organic shapes of the park. The timber building offers visitors a new perspective of the park, allowing them to view the landscape from new heights. The architecture focuses the attention and leads the eye into specifically framed views of nature. Incorporated within the scheme are studio spaces, intended to be used to record nature and the park through artistic means, a café to the north, serving as an escape from the city, and an archive to the south, which holds any past recording of Jesmond Dene as well as any new ones created in the studios.

Visitors walking alongside Studios towards Watchtower 2

Axonometric View of the Lookout Line

Axonometric View of the Lookout Line

1. Study Space
2. Upper Café
3. Lower Studios
4. Upper Studios
5. Paved Path
6. Archive 1
7. Archive 2
8. Tower 1
9. Tower 2
10.Tower 3
11. Lower Walkway
12.Upper Walkway

Section A-A
When visiting the park, all visitors have the opportunity to create a recording of Jesmond Dene. The recording can take any shape or form. It can be a sketch, painting, photograph or sculpture. Once the recording is complete it is stored in the archive to be looked back on.

Interior View of Lower Studios